The Borough covers an area of over
245 square miles in North Hampshire,
of which over 90% is rural. The rest
of the Borough is made up of villages
and rural hamlets and countryside,
and includes 47 conservation areas.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council have deployed PlaySafe for their Parks and Playgrounds. The Borough covers an area of over 245 square miles in North Hampshire, UK, of which over 90% is rural. The rest of the Borough is made up of villages and rural hamlets and countryside, and includes 47 conservation areas.
“We provide over 150 play areas around the Borough and are committed to maintaining them as safely as possible. All Council play areas are inspected daily or weekly depending on use so that hazards such as glass and litter are kept to a minimum and that the equipment is in good working order.”
Basingstoke and Deane have since gone on to launch PlaySafe in several other areas, including Grounds Maintenance, Estate Management, Vehicle Maintenance. The Environmental Care Operations team maintains most of the green spaces in the Borough including sport pitches, open spaces, play areas, roadside verges and the Worting Road Cemetery. In addition to this, the team plants and maintains floral displays, shrubs and hedges. Using PlaySafe means Basingstoke and Deane can inspect and maintain these Assets via the Mobile Application. PlaySafe is an entirely paperless system, making it environmentally friendly. It also allows for peace of mind because it removes the risk of lost and mislaid inspection forms.
“The Council is responsible for mowing over 6 million m² – equivalent to cutting over 1,000 football pitches. Most general open space is cut about 13 times a year from mid March to the end of October. Rough grass areas such as the verges on ring roads are cut six times a year.”
Basingstoke and Deane’s use of PlaySafe means they can schedule these Tasks and assign them to specific Contractors from the Desktop Software. Filling in as much information as possible will enable PlaySafe to provide a more accurate picture of the Asset Maintenance required across the Borough, and facilitate a more in-depth plan of action for the future. This includes Asset, Finding and Task History, as well as an ability to create Works Orders and track Budget Costs.